It’s heating up in Melbourne in fact we’re in for a heat wave, just as I’m about to go back to work!
Min: 15°C Max: 38°C
UV: Extreme

Min: 25°C Max: 41°C
UV: Extreme

Min: 26°C Max: 40°C
UV: Extreme

Min: 24°C Max: 40°C
UV: Extreme
Mostly sunny
Min: 24°C Max: 40°C
UV: Extreme
I heart that scene, Michelle… it reminds me those old nice family meetings back in Venezuela. How I miss that!
Great illustration! It’s FREEZING rain here in Kentucky! Snow, ice, and freezing rain…messy messy messy 🙂
Hope all is well, we heard about the fires and hope you are not anywhere near them. Love your new animations…what program do you use to create them? The turnip illo is adorable!
Hi Michelle,
I love these meetings around a table to eat good food and talk of time passing!
I see the fires in Australia on television and I hope they are not near you …
Excellent week!
Thanks for concern Maggie and Marc, fortunately we are all fine, the closest fires are about 40 minutes away.