
Archive for February, 2008

Another project finished today. I made the heading the feature and am quite pleased with how it turned out.

Multiple intelligences

Dr. Howard Gardner theory of multiple intelligences uses linguistic intelligence (word smart), Logical-mathematical intelligence (“number/reasoning smart”), Spatial intelligence (“picture smart”), Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”), Musical intelligence (“music smart”), Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”), Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”) and Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”) to identify human potential in children and adults. I visited a playgroup to gather […]

The Musician

I’ve been wanting to draw this for quite a while as I thought all the different patterns and colours would be effective. Drawn in illustrator and painted in photoshop.

The completed Banner

These little children are to make their way onto a banner (2 x1m). Plenty of layers in this picture!