Posted on Friday 1 August 2014
My set of Australian Animals is available for purchase and is my most popular item from my bluwren store. Here is a sample.
My set of Australian Animals is available for purchase and is my most popular item from my bluwren store. Here is a sample.
These cards illustrate words with silent letters. There are 24 in the set and should be a valuable resource.
I have spent some time updating the alphabet cards I create with a work colleague. They are a bit brighter and now have a new font that I made. The cards can be used separately or as a A3 poster. I use it with my students all the time and it works well.
Here is a sample of some cards for use with students learning their sounds. The full set will be available for purchase soon.
I have a great new project keeping me busy. It is the illustrations for a website to be launched in March 2014. That seems so far away but I guess it will be here before we know it. 2013 has been my most successful illustrating year as I have completed freelance projects for Hinkler Education, Bunnings, Melbourne University, Department of Education and now La Trobe University. I am very thankful.
I have been following the instructions on this tutorial on how to make a chevron pattern. Maybe I will use these in future work.
I have been doing quite a few illustrations that I cannot show. So I decided to make my own illustration in a style similar to one of the projects that I have been working on. I chose the netball theme because as a mother of two daughters sometimes I can find myself watching 4 games a week!!
One of my favorite jobs of late, was a series of black and white line art illustrations. I can only show a snippet.
Very busy at the moment with illustrations. Unfortunately all are confidential. I am thinking of updating and changing my website to Squarespace. A little design that I may go with.
This seminar looks really good –
Here’s some work I recently completed for the Department of Education:
You can take the quiz to see some more like this