I was busy during remote learning.
Hi there, it has been a long time. So long I couldn’t remember my username and password. Anyway I have just made some products free at my TPT store BLUWREN
The alphabet cards were the first product that I made. These bright and colourful cards can be used to teach the English alphabet names and sounds. The drawing activity might be fun for your children if you are having to self-isolate. Hope everyone is staying safe.
The Magic of Miss Poly Loly is now available for your kindle or as a hard copy. There will be 2 more stories to follow.
I had fun illustrating these!
The reason I haven’t been able to post lately is because I have been really busy with the illustrations for 4 books. Just getting ready to send off the final pages later today. So now I can make some new bluwren products.
I was pleased to see the Mitcham Monsters I created in a video for the Education Department. This is about Kung fu Punctuation. If you look carefully in the background you will see the monsters.
Follow the above link to see the program. Great teachers, great students and great program, well worth a watch.
At the beginning of third term, I was working with some international students from China, who were at school for a short short time. They were here to improve their English and to experience life in an Australian School. I created a set of animals who were beginning to learn to speak English to use to teach greetings and useful phrases. Hope to find this soon and complete them and add them to the shop. Just need to get the translation checked, as they have the characters included.
If you’re in need of some activities to help your EAL/ESL students, check out my four top selling products. I am so pleased that they have been received well by the buyers.
Families are made up of many different people who have different titles. This is a useful teaching resource when students are learning to name family members (mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunty, cousin, niece, nephew, son, daughter, etc.). On the cards I have also included the pronouns relevant to that family member.
There are 32 different actions verbs illustrated in a fun way. Play charades or other games and teach past and future tenses with these cards. Verbs illustrated in this pack include: sitting, standing, skipping, jumping, leaping, running, climbing, walking, spinning, dancing, clapping, thinking, crawling, sleeping, hugging, nodding, hopping, batting, waving, catching, writing, skating, reading, winking, eating, singing, kicking, tip-toeing, swimming, stomping, laughing and riding. Your students will have great fun acting the different action verbs. They will ask to play and act out these cards again and again.
This is a useful set of cards for children who are learning to use vocabulary related to feelings and emotions. Engage your ESL/EAL students and students with special needs with these cards.
The information contained on the cards teaches about whether the Australian animals have fur, feathers or scales, where they live and what they eat. The game is designed to be played as a quiz and aimed at primary-aged children or those learning English.