What a fun concept and I like how the text flows around the tentacles. The colors of purple and orange work great!
Sweet Illo. Nice and bright colors. Luv your octopus!
Great! Happy colours and the lyrics around Octo are also very well done.
This octopus does the song justice – it’s happy and has a psychedelic look with its purple accents on the orange. The sea plants look like they’re dancing with the waving of the octopus’arms, and the wrapping text looks great! Fun:>
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What a fun concept and I like how the text flows around the tentacles. The colors of purple and orange work great!
Sweet Illo. Nice and bright colors. Luv your octopus!
Great! Happy colours and the lyrics around Octo are also very well done.
This octopus does the song justice – it’s happy and has a psychedelic look with its purple accents on the orange. The sea plants look like they’re dancing with the waving of the octopus’arms, and the wrapping text looks great! Fun:>